We've always had a soft spot for supporting non profits dedicated to wolf conservation and have chosen to support The Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) with up to $3,000 in donations in 2019. As part of our campaign, we've committed to $1 for every share of our #YDWolfPack posts on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
We believe wolves are a vital part of the American wild. We are concerned their removal from the ESL would undo the modest gains made in recent years.
The WCC was founded in 1999 and is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit environmental education organization working to protect and preserve wolves in North America through science-based education, advocacy, and participation in the federal recovery and release programs for two critically endangered wolf species - the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf.
Please help with our campaign to raise some awareness about the issue and funds for the WCC and their valuable work in wolf conservation. Please check out participating social media channels for #YDWolfPack posts and share. We're tracking the hashtag #YDWolfPack and shares across all participating social media channels.
UPDATE 02/16/2019: Yoga Democracy has made its $3k donation to https://nywolf.org/ to protect and preserve wolves in North America through science-based education, advocacy, and participation in the federal recovery and release programs for two critically endangered wolf species - the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf.