I have been waiting for the perfect moment to design a print featuring sage because of all the herb's amazing healing, cleansing, and purifying properties. I feel like that moment is finally here.

After all the growth, gut punches, discomfort, and triumph the last few years have brought us all, I feel like my life has found a new homeostasis. I feel like I can finally breathe again, make goals, and push toward them without making every decision with a fight-or-flight mentality.

This spring, I’m bringing out a lot of sage. Not because I feel called to dispel my life of all the negativity I’ve experienced over the last few years. But to really honor this new homeostasis as a fresh restart. I am proud of how I have grown in the face of challenges, so I don’t want to just erase or forget about them by burning sage; I want to reshape the negativity that has brought me to become so strong, into energy I can harness, and use to continue forward. I want to purify and cleanse all that has brought me to who I am in this moment. Then empower and energize this balanced place I have landed to feed into the realistic and sustainable momentum I feel for many moments to come.

When you slip into this “Pure Sage” print, I hope it brings you a sense of calm after this crazy storm we’ve all been through. That you can put a line in the sand and look forward with positivity and enthusiasm. I hope it embodies healing properties for you, I hope it reminds you of everything you’ve persevered through these last few years and that you’re still standing so strong.
Enjoy our new Pure Sage print and let it bring you the fresh restart we all have needed so much.

Always love,